Define Message Content: What

This page shows you the second step of how to launch your notification!

Step 2: What

Step 2: What

The second step in launching your notification is What section. In the What step, the content of the push notification is created. Fields such as message text, message title, thumbnail that will appear on target devices are defined in this step.

For some additional steps you need to follow for Banner, Carousel, Slider and Product Discovery types of notifications please also check our additional notes. However, this page will still be crucial for your campaign.

Quick Guidelines on Push Notifications "What" Section


Title of your notification

Necessary in all notification types

Your message to be delivered in your notification

Necessary in all notification types

Images that appear inside of your notification

Necessary if any media notification is chosen

Category of your messages based on your own predefined criteria or use case Message Categories


Your personalized message aiming your user information Personalized Messages

Optional and can be used if you have profile attributes for users

Your personalized title aiming your user information

Optional and can be used if you have profile attributes for users

Additional text to be shown next to your application name


Personalized attribute using the {@} format


Send message with custom icons (needs integration, please refer to iOS Push Icon or Android Push Icon)


Images that appear next to text messages that can't be expanded


Notifications will be delivered via vibration if you switch on


Send message to application inbox (needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide)


Send message to all targeted users’ inbox regardless they are opt-in or not


Your message will not be shown as notification. Use only for inbox.


Notification are delivered with sound (needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide)


Message logs won’t be directed to application backend


Actions can be taken when the user clicks the notification


Scenarios can be created for the users that did not receive your notification (needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide)


Conversion event can be determined according to your aim


How to Define Message Content


This allows you to categorize your messages based on your own predefined criteria or use case. For example, you might have categories such as "Promotions," "News Updates," "Account Notifications," or any other relevant labels that align with your messaging strategy. By assigning each notification to a specific category, you can quickly access and manage related messages at a glance. Whether you're sending promotional offers, important announcements, or transactional updates, Message Categories streamline your workflow and enhance your notification management.

Notification Message

The notification message is the main body of your notification and it's important to make it informative and engaging. This can include text and emojis to convey your message effectively. For instance, you could send a notification message to alert users of a low balance or unusual activity or use emojis to make a notification message more exciting and encourage users to visit the app for a special offer.

Personalized Message

You can use personalized messages to greet your users by their first name, or send them notifications about products or services that are specifically relevant to their interests or past behavior on your app.

By doing so, you can create a more personal connection with your users and make them feel valued, which can increase their loyalty to your brand. Additionally, you can use personalized messages to provide timely and relevant information to your users, such as weather updates, local news, or personalized reminders. This can help to increase the overall usefulness of your notifications, and make them more likely to be acted upon.

Personalized message can be sent if you have profile attributes for users. You may do this by transferring user informations such as name, surname, age to Netmera. For instance,

  • Default message: “Happy birthday!”

  • Personalized message: “Wishing you a sweet {@age}th birthday {@name}!” becomes “Wishing you a sweet 26th birthday Simon!”


You may create personalized messages that include the user's name, fitness goal, and a reminder to log their workout. For example, a user named John who has set a goal to run a 5K might receive a message that says, "Hey John, time to lace up those shoes and hit the pavement to achieve your 5K challenge!"


When sending notifications, it's important to use a title that catches the user's attention and gives them a reason to engage with the message. You can use text and emojis to create a title that is both informative and attention-grabbing.

Personalized Title

If you have profile attributes for your users, you can personalize the title to create a more meaningful and impactful notification. By transferring user information such as name, surname, or location to Netmera, you can create a personalized title that will increase user engagement and ultimately lead to better retention and loyalty.

For example, a retail app could use a personalized title such as "Hey [Name], we have a special offer for you!" to make the user feel valued and encourage them to check out the offer.

Message Content

Tips for Increasing Engagement:

The notification body and title are crucial for grabbing users' attention and conveying the message effectively. Personalizing the title and body based on user profile information can increase engagement. By crafting effective titles and bodies and personalizing them when possible, you can create notifications that drive user engagement and achieve your business goals.


Sub Text is a great way as it can give your users more information about the notification, such as a brief summary of what the notification is about or a clear call to action. It appears next to your application name and can help to provide more context to your users.

Personalized Subtext

Here, you can input your personalized attribute using the {@} format, or alternatively, select a profile attribute from the drop-down menu and simply click "Add." This feature allows you to tailor your campaign messages with precision, ensuring maximum relevance and engagement with your audience.

Custom Push Icon

Use the Custom Push Icon bar to choose the desired image as a logo. This feature needs integration with your SDK. You may see our documents on iOS Push Icon or Android Push Icon on our Developer Guide.

When Custom Push is Turned Off:

If a default notification icon is provided and custom push icon is turned off, the default icon from the Developer App Info will be used.

Android/iOS Thumbnail URL

Thumbnails are small images that appear next to the text in your notification. If you want to include a thumbnail for your Android or iOS notification, you can upload it from your computer or provide a URL. Please note that thumbnails do not expand when clicked or held, unlike the media added to your push notification.

It allows you to include a small image or icon next to your notification text. This thumbnail can provide a visual cue to the user about the content of the notification, and can help your notification stand out from others. Additionally, if your notification appears in a list with other notifications, a thumbnail can make it easier for the user to quickly identify and distinguish your notification from others.

Android/iOS Media URL

Adding media URLs to your push notifications can make them more engaging and visually appealing. This can help to keep your users interested in your app and increase their engagement. If you want to include media in your Android or iOS notification, you can upload it from your computer or provide a URL. Please note that all notification types that include media require a media URL.


You may use media URLs in push notifications for Android and iOS platforms to showcase new products or services. By including an image of a new product or service as a media URL in a push notification, you can provide users with a visual preview of the item without requiring them to navigate to the app or website. This can help you to increase user engagement and ultimately drive more purchases.


The vibration feature can add an extra layer of notification alert to your users. When turned on, users will receive notifications with a vibration, in addition to any sounds or visual cues.

Show in Push Inbox

Needs Integration:

This option needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide. After you have integrated this option with your developers, you may choose this option on this step.

This option allows you to send the notification message directly to your application's inbox. This is useful if you have a specific area in your app where users can view all their notifications in one place. By selecting this option, users can easily find and access the notification later on.

Opt-out Inbox Enabled

With this option, you can send notifications to all users, regardless of whether they have opted-in to receive notifications or not. This can be useful in situations where you want to reach all users with an important message, even if they haven't explicitly opted-in to receive notifications.

Don't Notify

This feature is used when you don't want to send a notification to the user's device, but still want to send a message to their inbox. This is useful if you have an inbox feature in your app and want to communicate with users without interrupting their current activity.

Play Sound

Needs Integration:

This option needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide. After you have integrated this option with your developers, you may choose this option on this step.

This feature allows you to add a sound to your notification. You can upload a custom sound file to be played when the notification is received. Adding a sound to your notification can help grab the user's attention and make your message more noticeable.

Message Content 2

Disable Webhooks

Disabling webhooks means that when a user interacts with your push notification, Netmera won't send any information about that interaction to your application backend via a webhook. This can be useful if you don't need to track user interactions or if you prefer to handle them in a different way, such as through Netmera's reporting dashboard. However, if you want to track user interactions in your own system, it's important to keep webhooks enabled so that you can receive that information in real-time.

Push Click Action

Push Click Action refers to the action that occurs when a user clicks on a push notification. Depending on the purpose of the notification, you can set up different click actions to redirect the user to a specific page or content within your app, or open the app itself.

This feature can be customized according to your app's needs and can greatly enhance the user experience. For example, if you are sending a notification about a new product, you can set the click action to redirect the user to that product page within your app, making it easier for them to explore and potentially make a purchase.

  1. Open App: Selecting this option will trigger the recipient's app to open directly.

  2. Show Web Page: This option will open a specific web page upon clicking the push notification.

  3. Go to Deeplink: Using this option, the app can navigate to a specific part of the app if the appropriate deeplink is provided.

  4. Show Custom Page: This will display a custom page designed within the app's structure when the push notification is clicked.

  5. Nothing: No action will be taken when the push notification is clicked.


You may use push click actions to redirect users to a specific news story or category when they click on the notification. For example, if a breaking news story occurs, you can send a push notification that says "Breaking News: Major earthquake hits California" and set the click action to redirect users to the full news story in the app. This makes it easy for users to get the latest information on the event, without requiring them to navigate through the app. By using push click actions in this way, you can improve user engagement and make it easier for users to find the content they are interested in.

The actions that can be executed when the users clicks on the push notification:

  • Open App

Opens the home page of the application. It will take the user directly to the home page of the application. This can be useful for notifying users about new content or features within the app that they may be interested in.

Push Click Action Open App
  1. Add Custom Parameters

This section is used to add custom parameters to the push notification. Custom parameters can be useful for adding specific data that might be required by the app when the notification is clicked.

  • Key: This is where the user can specify the parameter's key.

  • Value: This is where the user can input the parameter's value.

  • Action (Add): By clicking the "Add" button, the specified key-value pair will be added to the push notification’s configuration.

Example Use:

  • Scenario 1: If the push notification's action is to "Open App", you might add custom parameters like type: "promotion" and id: "12345" to indicate the app should open and present a specific promotional content based on the id.

  • Scenario 2: If setting the action to "Show Web Page", you might include a parameter like url: "" to ensure the app's web view navigates to the specified URL.

Add Custom Parameters
  1. Web Hook for Push Click

When a user clicks on a push notification, it triggers a predefined webhook action called WebhookClick. You can add custom data in the pushParameter field that gets sent to the webhook endpoint.

  1. Web Hook:

    • This is the chosen action that will be triggered. It is likely a predefined webhook event in your system.

  2. pushParameter:

    • This field allows you to add extra information (custom parameters) that will be sent along with the webhook when the push notification is clicked.

Example Use

If a user clicks on a notification about a sale, the enabled webhook sends a notification to your server with the action (WebhookClick) and any additional parameters you specified (like details about the sale). This helps your server know what the user interacted with and respond accordingly, such as logging the interaction or updating user data.

Web Hook for Push Click
  1. Set User Attribute or Tag

When the user clicks on the push notification, it will update the user's profile to set the attribute to whatever value you enter.

Set User a Profile Attribute:

This option would let you define a specific attribute related to the user's profile, such as their name, age, or any other profile-specific information.

  • Attribute: Choose the attribute you want to set.

  • Value: Here, you enter the value for the profile attribute.

Put User in a Tag:

This option allows you to assign a tag to the user. Tags are used to group users based on specific characteristics or behaviors. For instance, you might use tags like "VIP", "Newsletter Subscriber", or "Frequent Buyer".

If tag name already exists: If the tag name you enter already exists, the user will simply be added to that existing tag rather than creating a new one.

Example Use

Suppose you want to update a user's credit limit when they click on a push notification:

  • Enter "CreditLimit" as the attribute name.

  • Input the desired credit limit value in the text box.

This configuration ensures that when the notification is clicked, the user's profile is updated with the new credit limit. It's like filling out a form to set someone's credit limit. When they press the button (click the notification), the limit gets updated automatically.

  • Show Web Page

This action allows you to open a web page with the given URL when the user clicks on the push notification. This can be useful for directing users to a specific web page or promoting a particular online campaign.

Push Click Action Show Web Page
  • Go to Deeplink

This option allows you to redirect users to a specific page or feature within your app. A deep link is a specific URL that can take the user directly to a specific content or section within your app.

When you choose "Go to Deeplink" option, you can select a predefined deeplink from the list or enter a custom deeplink URL. This way, when the user clicks on the notification, they will be taken directly to the page or feature you have specified within the app.

This feature can be particularly useful for promoting specific content or features within your app, as it provides a direct path for users to access them.

Push Click Action Go to Deeplink
  • Show Custom Page

This feature allows you to create and display custom in-app messages or landing pages to your users when they click on your push notification. You can use templates or create your own custom pages for various purposes, such as surveys, app ratings, images, or any other content you would like to share with your users. This can help to increase user engagement and drive specific actions within your app.

  • Nothing

No action will be taken when the user clicks on the push notification. The notification will simply be dismissed and the user will stay on their current screen. This can be useful for notifications that do not require any immediate action from the user, but are more informational in nature.

Set User Attribute or Tag

Setting user attributes or tags when a user clicks a push notification can be a powerful tool for personalization and targeted marketing. By using this feature, you can gather valuable information about your users and use it to tailor future messages to their specific needs and preferences. You may use set user attributes or tags to create targeted marketing campaigns for specific user groups.


If you send a push notification advertising a sale on men's clothing, you can set a user attribute or tag for users who click on the notification and browse the men's section of your app. This allows you to create a group of users who are interested in men's clothing, and target them with future promotions and discounts specifically for that category. By using user attributes and tags in this way, you can improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and increase conversions.


Needs Integration

This option needs integration, please refer to Developer Guide. After you have integrated this option with your developers, you may choose this option on this step.

Fallback scenarios can be thought of as a backup plan in case your push notification fails to reach its intended audience. By creating a fallback scenario, you can ensure that users who do not receive your push notification can still receive the message through an alternative channel, such as SMS.


You may use fallback scenarios to ensure that important notifications are received by all users, even if they do not have the app open. For example, if you send a push notification to remind users about an upcoming bill payment, you can create a fallback scenario that sends an SMS message to users who did not receive the push notification. This ensures that all users receive the reminder, even if they are not actively using the app. By using fallback scenarios in this way, you can improve user engagement and ensure that important information is always communicated effectively to your users.


Labels are an optional feature that allows panel users to tag their campaigns with specific labels for organizational purposes. Labels can be used to categorize campaigns and make it easier to search for and analyze campaign performance in reporting pages. For example, if you have multiple campaigns targeting different user segments, you can label each campaign accordingly (e.g. "New Users", "Retargeting", "Holiday Sale") to quickly filter and compare results. Labels are not required but can be a helpful tool for managing and optimizing your campaigns.

Labels are used for organizing and searching campaigns in the reporting pages, while setting attributes and tags is used for collecting and storing user data and segmentation.

When you set attributes or tags, you are defining user data that will be used to personalize notifications, create segments, and trigger automation campaigns. For example, you can set attributes such as age, location, or language, and then target users based on those attributes.

Labels, on the other hand, are used for organizing campaigns and do not impact the user data or segmentation in any way. They are simply a way to group campaigns based on specific criteria, making it easier to find and analyze them in the reporting pages.


You may use labels to organize and search for campaigns in your reporting page. For example, if you have multiple campaigns running simultaneously, you can assign specific labels to each campaign based on the campaign type, target audience, or other relevant criteria. This allows you to easily search for and view data on specific campaigns in your reporting page, improving the overall efficiency of your marketing efforts. By using labels in this way, you can more effectively manage your campaigns and optimize your marketing strategy.

Conversion Analytics

Conversion Analytics is a feature that allows you to track user behavior and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns by monitoring specific events that occur after a user interacts with your push notification.

For example, if you want to track how many users made a purchase after receiving a notification about a sale, you can set a conversion event called "Purchase" and track how many users clicked the notification and then made a purchase. This helps you to understand the ROI of your push notification campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

You can set multiple conversion events for a single campaign and track different user behaviors, such as app installs, sign-ups, or content views. Netmera provides conversion tracking for both Android and iOS platforms and allows you to view conversion data in real-time in the Netmera dashboard.


You may use conversion analytics to track user behavior and optimize your sales funnel. For example, by selecting the "PaySuccess" conversion event, you can track the number of users who clicked a push notification and then completed a payment transaction. This allows you to measure the effectiveness of your push notifications and identify opportunities to improve your sales funnel.

Control Group

"Use control group to calculate conversion %"

In the Netmera Panel, the Control Group option allows you to choose a specific percentage of your target audience for comparison in a campaign you intend to send. When this option is activated, the selected percentage of your audience, known as the "control group," does not receive a push notification, while the rest of the audience does.

Control Group Example:

In the context of a control group, consider a scenario with a total audience of 100,000. Upon activating the control group option and setting a percentage, for instance, 1%, a push notification is not sent to a randomly selected 1% of this audience. Subsequently, push notifications are delivered to the remaining 99,000 users.

In the reports, the conversion difference between the 99,000 who received the push notifications and the 1,000 in the control group who did not receive them is analyzed. This enables an assessment of the effectiveness of the push notification by comparing the outcomes of those who received it against those who did not, providing valuable insights into the impact of the notification on user behavior.

Elements of Mobile Push Notifications

Elements of Push Notifications

a. Small Icon

24×24 - 96×96 to fit all device sizes. Must be white with a transparent background. PNG.

b. Title (Title)

Restricted to 50 characters.

c. Body (Notification Message)

Restricted to 150 characters.

d. Large Picture (Android/iOS Media URL)

1440×720 or 2:1 aspect ratio. PNG, JPG, GIF (not animated).

e. App Name

Can't be changed.

f. Time Stamp

Time message received.

g. Icon (Android/iOS Thumbnail)

192×192 or larger. PNG, JPG, GIF (not animated).

h. Action Buttons (Settings->Button Sets)

Supports up to 3 buttons can be edited in Settings -> Button Sets

Last updated