Revenue and Conversion

Quick Steps Guideline

Go to your Netmera Panel and click:

Analytics -> Revenue-Conversion

  1. Decide on your Time Period, Platform and Conversion Event.

  2. You will see charts about your revenue and conversion.

  3. Click "Export" if you wish to export your data.

Understanding Revenue and Conversion

In the landscape of omnichannel customer engagement, a nuanced comprehension of Revenue and Conversion dynamics is crucial for effectively evaluating the success of your campaigns. This section aims to provide a detailed exploration of the process involved in analyzing Revenue-Conversion through Netmera's platform.

Understanding Revenue

IRevenue is the financial lifeblood of your operations, representing the total income derived from user activities, primarily purchases within your system. In Netmera, t is the income obtained as a result of the "Purchase" event made by users. It serves as a fundamental metric, offering a comprehensive snapshot of your financial performance. By analyzing revenue, you gain valuable insights into the direct impact of your user engagement strategies, enabling informed decisions to enhance overall financial health.

Understanding Conversion

Conversion is the success stamp for our campaigns. It is the event that is expected to take place for a campaign to be sent to be considered successful. When we say conversion, we mean the aims that are accomplished after our campaign reaches its audience. It's not just about financial aspects; it's about users doing what we wanted them to do, like making a purchase or signing up for something. Understanding conversion is like figuring out how well our campaigns are working and how much people are getting involved.

Conversion or Revenue?

In essence, revenue reflects the tangible economic impact of user transactions, providing a financial snapshot, while conversion measures the accomplishment of different campaign objectives, contributing to a comprehensive evaluation of our overall engagement strategy. Conversion might be a financial aim such as "purchase" event, however it may also be other Netmera Events; so conversion tests if your aim for the event has been accomplished or not.

Revenue-Conversion Dashboard

In the Revenue-Conversion Dashboard, the first step involves specifying a timeframe for analysis.

Time Period: Navigate to the time period section and choose from options such as This Week, This Month, This Year, or define a custom range with Dates Between.

Platform: Next, you have the flexibility to conduct the review across all platforms or focus specifically on the operating systems such as iOS or Android.

Conversion Event: After defining the preferred time frame and platform scope in the Revenue-Conversion Dashboard, the next crucial step is to choose the specific conversion event that best aligns with your analysis objectives. This event serves as the focal point for evaluating the success of your campaigns or interactions during the designated period. Whether it's a purchase completion, a sign-up milestone, or any other predefined user action, selecting the right conversion event ensures that your analysis is tailored to the specific goals and outcomes you aim to measure.

Accessing Conversion Event and Conversion Report:

To view the Conversion Event and generate a Conversion Report, it's essential to configure a Conversion Event during the creation of your campaign in Step 2: What. By setting up this event, you establish a specific action or milestone that signifies success for your campaign. Once the campaign is live, you can analyze its performance through the dedicated Conversion Report, offering valuable insights into user interactions and the attainment of campaign goals.

Accessing Revenue Reports:

For Revenue Reports, the process involves choosing a monetary event, such as "Purchase," during the campaign creation in Step 2: What, within the Conversion Event option. This selection aligns your campaign with financial objectives, enabling the system to track and report on revenue generated through user purchases. By integrating a monetary event into your campaign settings, you unlock the ability to assess the financial impact of your campaigns through detailed Revenue Reports, providing a comprehensive overview of the economic success tied to your engagements.

The culmination of these choices manifests in the creation of a dynamic Revenue-Conversion graphic, providing a visual representation of the chosen parameters.


Within the Revenue-Conversion Dashboard, a dedicated section showcases the values of both Revenue and Conversions obtained on a campaign basis. This detailed breakdown enables a comprehensive examination of the performance of individual campaigns.

The available data includes key metrics such as Campaign Method, Campaign Type, the total value within the mobile application, as well as platform-specific values for iOS and Android. For Web Push campaigns, the analysis extends to Total values, MacOS-specific values, and browser-based values for Chrome and Firefox.

Campaign Method: The Campaign Method is a metric that defines the strategic approach employed in your campaigns. It may be automated, transactional or campaign.

Campaign Type: Campaign Type categorizes your campaigns whether it's through widgets, push notifications, or other communication channels. Understanding the Campaign Type provides crucial insights into how you're reaching and engaging with your audience.

Mobile App Total /the IOS / Android: Metrics such as Mobile App Total, IOS, and Android provide a detailed breakdown of campaign performance. Mobile App Total reflects the overall impact across mobile platforms, while IOS and Android metrics offer platform-specific insights. Understanding these metrics is vital for adapting your campaigns to the preferences and behaviors of users on different mobile operating systems.

Web Total / MacOS / Chrome / Firefox: On the web front, metrics like Web Total, MacOS, Chrome, and Firefox offer a comprehensive view of campaign effectiveness across various browsers and operating systems. Web Total provides an overview of campaign impact on the web, while MacOS, Chrome, and Firefox metrics break down performance on specific platforms. This detailed analysis is crucial for optimizing campaigns for diverse web environments.


To facilitate further analysis or reporting, all this valuable campaign data can be conveniently downloaded in Excel format. Simply utilize the Export button located in the lower right corner of the dashboard, providing a seamless way to integrate this detailed information into your records or share insights with stakeholders. This feature enhances the accessibility and utility of the data, supporting informed decision-making in your omnichannel customer engagement strategy.

Last updated