Create New Funnel

Quick Steps Guideline

Go to your Netmera Panel and click:

Analytics -> Funnel -> Create New Funnel

  1. Add Funnel Name and select your Users (All Users / Push Receivers).

  2. Decide on your Time Period and add Monitor Anomalies (optional).

  3. Select your Event Attributes that you would like to involve in your Funnel.

  4. Click on "Add", your attribute will automatically be added to your funnel, if you like your funnel to be saved for later use, click on SAVE.

Create New Funnel

Within the Netmera analytics framework, a "Funnel" represents a specialized analytical tool designed to dissect and monitor user interactions and progressions within a digital application. It allows for the visualization and analysis of the steps users take as they engage with specific events or actions within the application. To create a new funnel simply navigate to Analytics -> Funnel -> Create New Funnel.

Step 1: Configure Funnel

To ensure your funnel is finely tuned for optimal performance and insightful analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Funnel Name: Give Your Funnel a Descriptive Name

Start by naming your funnel in a way that clearly articulates its purpose and focus. A descriptive name sets the stage for understanding and interpreting its results effectively.

  1. Who: Define Your Audience with Precision

Define your audience, whether it comprises "All Users," or "Push Receivers" and choose the specific push receivers in the list for more targeted insights. This step ensures that your analysis is targeted and relevant.

  1. Events: Delve into Core Events and Properties

Identify the core events that form the backbone of your funnel's journey. This parameter lets you selectively include specific events or actions in the analytical process. It provides a granular level of customization, enabling users to concentrate their analysis on events that are most pertinent to their application's objectives.

  1. Add Steps: Establish Sequential Steps

Map out the sequential steps users must traverse within your funnel. This comprehensive approach provides clarity on user progression and potential drop-off points.

  1. Time Period: Refine Insights with Time Periods

Tailor the temporal scope of your analysis by defining a specific time period. This granular approach refines insights, allowing for more focused analysis and action. This setting allows you to define the temporal scope of their analytical investigation. You can choose from predefined timeframes such as Last Week, Last Month, or Last Year, or opt for custom date ranges to suit your analytical needs.

  1. Within the period / In a session: Choose a Behavioral Lens

Select the appropriate behavioral lens for your analysis, whether it's session-based or time-period-centric. This decision shapes the perspective through which you view user interactions and behaviors. You can choose to assess event progressions within a defined time period or during a single session, allowing for real-time identification of issues and deviations in user interactions.

  1. Track Anomalies: Introduce Anomaly Tracking (Optional)

Consider incorporating anomaly tracking into your funnel to detect deviations from expected user behaviors. This feature enhances the robustness of your analysis, enabling proactive responses to unexpected patterns.

Monitor Anomalies:

The "Monitor Anomalies" feature within Funnel analysis provides a mechanism for detecting irregularities in the occurrence rates of specified events or actions. You can configure this feature to issue alerts when there are significant deviations, either drops or increases, in the expected event occurrence.

  • Alert Type: You can customize the type of anomalies to monitor within the Funnel analysis. This configuration allows you to set up alerts for specific types of deviations in event occurrence, ensuring that the analysis remains focused on the most relevant metrics.

  • Threshold: The "Threshold" parameter in Funnel analysis defines a customizable value against which event occurrence rates are compared to identify anomalies. It provides you with the ability to fine-tune the sensitivity of anomaly detection, aligning it with the specific dynamics of your application.

Once you finish customizing your funnel, ensure to click "Save Funnel" to view your Funnel Analysis on Step 2. This action finalizes your configuration and allows you to access and analyze your funnel's performance effectively.

Step 2: Analyze Your Funnel Report

The Funnel Report is a pivotal component of Netmera's analytics arsenal, designed to delve into the intricacies of user engagement within your application. This report focuses on the progression of users through a predefined series of events or actions, offering valuable insights into user behavior and interaction patterns.

  1. Date Range and Funnel Stats: The timeframe covered by the report, allowing you to understand user behavior within a specific period. Also, This section provides an overview of user engagement and conversion metrics within the specified timeframe.

  2. Findings:

    • Users: Total number of users who entered the funnel. This section displays the number of users who have followed the specific path defined by the funnel. It provides insights into how many users completed the entire sequence of events you've set up in the funnel. Understanding this user group can guide your strategies for engagement and conversion.

    • Platforms: Within the Funnel Report, this section serves as a vital segment that provides essential insights into user engagement across various digital platforms. This section offers a nuanced understanding of how users interact with your application, categorized by their preferred devices and platforms.

    Mobile App Total: Number of users who accessed the app via mobile devices.

    iOS: Number of users accessing the app on iOS devices.

    Android: Number of users accessing the app on Android devices.

    Web Total: Number of users accessing the app via web browsers.

  3. Event Stages: Each event stage represents a key action or milestone within the funnel journey. The numbers under each event column indicate the number of users who completed that specific event.

Tagging in Funnel Analysis

In Funnel Analysis, tagging allows for easy identification and organization of data points within the report. Here's a guide on how to utilize tagging effectively:

Tagging with Icon: Next to the numbers displayed in the graph, you'll find a tag icon. Click on the tag icon to initiate the tagging process for a specific data point.

Applying Tags: Once the tag icon is clicked, a tagging interface will appear. Here, you can assign relevant tags to the selected data point. Tags can be used to categorize and label data according to specific criteria or themes.

By understanding these components, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, identify potential areas for optimization, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall user experience and drive conversions.

Last updated