Click Actions

Click actions can be assigned to "Buttons" and "Images" and they can be assigned by clicking on the button/image and navigating to the ⚡ (lightning) icon.

You may also add more than one "View" to your widget, by making your widget pages connected to each other by adding click actions to your buttons or images, you may create multi-faceted widgets.

When designing widgets in Netmera, you have several click action options that determine the action to be taken when a user interacts with the widget. Each click action provides a unique functionality and can be tailored to meet specific requirements. Let's explore each click action option in detail,

User Update

The "User Update" click action allows you to update user attributes or properties when the widget is clicked. This can include modifying user preferences, recording user interactions, or updating user-specific data. For example, you can use this action to track the user's engagement with the widget and update their profile accordingly.

When you add a text area and define it as a condition for your click action options, it means that the data entered by the user in that text area will be collected only if the specified condition is met. Let's explore this in more detail:

  • You can include a text area in your widget, which allows users to input text or information. For example, you can create a text area where you can ask your users to write their e-mail addresses or phone numbers and collect that data as "User Update".

Redirect to URL

The "Redirect to URL" click action enables you to redirect users to a specific URL when they interact with the widget. This can be used to direct users to external websites, landing pages, product pages, or any other web resource related to the widget's content. By providing relevant links, you can drive traffic to specific destinations and enhance the user's browsing experience. For this option, provide the URL and set the condition below.

Go to View

With the "Go to View" click action, you can navigate users to a particular view in your widget. This is particularly useful when you have multiple screens or sections in your widget, and you want users to jump directly to a specific area. For instance, you can direct users to the "Feedback" or "Thank You" screen/view upon clicking the button.

Send Data

The "Send Data" click action allows you to send custom data or parameters to a designated endpoint or server when the widget is clicked. This functionality is useful for capturing user interactions, submitting form data, or triggering specific server-side actions. You can define the data payload and the destination where the data will be sent for further processing.

Close Widget

The "Close Widget" click action provides users with the option to close or dismiss the widget when clicked. This is valuable when you want to give users control over the visibility of the widget without requiring any additional actions. Users can simply click the widget to remove it from their screen.

Open Widget

The "Open Widget" click action allows you to display another widget when the current widget is clicked. This enables you to create interactive widget experiences where users can navigate between different widget views or screens. By linking related widgets together, you can provide users with a seamless and engaging journey within your app.

Fire Event

With the "Fire Event" click action, you can trigger a specific event within your application when the widget is clicked. This event can be handled by other components or systems within your app, allowing you to synchronize actions across different parts of your application. For example, you can notify other modules of the user's interaction with the widget and trigger corresponding actions or updates.

Important Note:

In order to choose a custom Widget event for "Fire Event" in your widget type, you need to first create your custom events regarding your widget purpose following the guide on Creating Custom Events. The purpose of creating a custom widget event is to be able to differenciate your regular events from your widget events.

The "Deep Link" click action utilizes deep linking functionality, enabling users to navigate to a specific section or content within your app when they interact with the widget. Deep linking enhances user engagement by providing direct access to relevant information, such as opening a specific product page, displaying a particular article, or accessing a specific feature within your app.

By utilizing these click action options effectively, you can create highly interactive and personalized widget experiences for your users. Each option offers unique capabilities that allow you to track user interactions, update user attributes, trigger events, navigate users within your app, or connect with external resources. These features empower you to deliver engaging and tailored experiences to your app users.

Android Background Location Permission

Please choose the "Mobile Blank Widget" option in the Widget Gallery to start using your Mobile Widgets. This Click Action option is only visible on Mobile Widgets.

  1. Design Your Widget: Customize it with the elements you want, like text and buttons.

  2. Add Buttons: Insert buttons into your widget that will prompt the user to allow or deny location access.

  3. Set Click Actions:

    • For the Allow Permission button, choose "Background Location Permission" > "Allow Permission".

    • For the Deny Permission button, choose "Background Location Permission" > "Deny Permission".

  4. After clicking the button, the app user will be automatically directed to the Settings screen on their Android phones to set up their location preferences.

How to Create Click Action Scenarios

You may create a pop-up which consists of buttons, ratings, images and assign click actions to them to encourage your audience to read your articles, subscribe to your newsletters, rate your service and more. When you add click actions to your widget, you create an interactive experience for your users. By adding click actions, you may direct your users to take actions in your widget and further integrate them in your pop-up.

Important Note:

Your "Identifier" code is crucial when you are analyzing your data or assigning click actions to your buttons. Therefore, while you are creating a new widget, pay attention to attributing distinguishable "Identifier" codes to your elements and buttons. You may just simple click on the code and rewrite your own code on it.

In this page, we are going to provide a scenario and illustrate how to complete the steps to create this scenario by adding click actions.

Case Scenario:

"I want to create a pop-up which aims to test user's satisfaction on a 5 star rating score, and show a 'Thank you.' page to people who have given 4-5 stars; while directing other users who have given 1-3 stars to a feedback page."

Step 1: Design your Widget and Add Identifiers

First, design or edit your own desired widget and add your image, text, rating score element and buttons. Click actions can only be added to IMAGES and BUTTONS. Therefore, if you want to encourage your audience to take actions in your pop-up, use these two elements.

Click on your Rating element and navigate to "Settings".

Your "Identifier" code is crucial when you are analyzing your data or assigning click actions to your buttons. Therefore, while you are creating a new widget, pay attention to attributing distinguishable "Identifier" codes to your elements when needed. You may just simple click on the code and rewrite your own name on it. Here, as our element is Rating, enter identifier as "rating".

Step 2: Create your Widget Flow

By clicking on +Add View, add as many pages as you need to your widget. After customizing the other pages of your pop-up, we can move on to adding click actions to our buttons to navigate our audience to see the other pages and take actions in them.

Step 3: Add Click Actions

On Step 3, we are going to assign click actions to our buttons in order to navigate users to the correct pages. As we have decided that users who have given 4-5 will be taken to "Thank you" page (View 3), and the other users will be first directed to the "Feedback" page (View 2) and then View 3, we are going to use the identifier of our rating element and assign click actions accordingly.

First, click on the button on our widget and then choose "Click Actions". Then a window will pop up on the right side of the page.

For Action 1, choose "Go to view" and select View 2 (Feedback) and add a condition as "rating -> less than or equal to -> 3" and click add and Save. Now your audience who have rated less than or equal to 3 will be directed to Feedback page when they click "Submit" button.

Next, click +ADD ACTION and add your second action for the button. Again, choose your action as "Go to view" and choose View 3 (Thank You) and add condition as "rating -> greater than or equal to -> 4".

Continue with View 2 and View 3 to finalize all click actions as we have mentioned here. "Go to View" is only one of the options that you might choose as an action, if you aim to collect data you may add action "Send Data" and or if you aim to redirect your users to a URL, you may choose the relevant action and complete the steps.

After you have finalized all the elements and click actions, you may simply click Save Widget and Return. Your widget will be saved on "Your Widgets".

Last updated