Web Deeplink

After creating a web transactional push from the panel, you can customize the desired custom Deeplink using the sample code obtained in the API & Config step within Postman.

Here's an example of a sample used during testing:

curl --location 'https://test.sdpaas.com/rest/3.0/sendNotification' \ 
-H "X-netmera-api-key: your_rest_api_key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"notificationKey": "1408",

"target": {
    "extId": "exidname"
 "message": {
    "params": {},
    "click": {
        "deeplink": "https://www.netmera.com?id=5&name=@{exid}&cat=webpush"

Deeplink @{parameters} Must Match User Data:

When using parameters like @{extID} in deeplinks, it's important to ensure that these parameters correspond to actual user data. If these parameters don't exist for users, even if the users match the specified targets, the notification delivery won't be successful. In simpler terms, make sure the parameters you use in deeplinks are valid and available in the user data to avoid issues with sending notifications. Please see title Create New Deeplink.

Directly Setting the Desired Deeplink in the "Click" Node:

The link to be added will be directly set within the "click" node as the "deeplink." Additionally, if there are parameters to be pulled from the profile attribute, they will be defined in the format @{}.

Creating a Web Transactional Push:

To learn how to create a Web Transactional Push on the Netmera Panel, please refer to our User Guide for step-by-step instructions and detailed information.

In the Netmera Panel, you have the option to include custom deeplinks during Step 2: What when creating a Web Transactional Push. For detailed instructions on leveraging this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

To create a new Deeplink in Netmera, begin by logging into the Netmera Panel and navigating to the "Developers" section. From there, select "Deeplinks" and click on the "Create New Deeplink" option.

Deeplink Name & Deeplink URL: In the Deeplink creation interface, provide a meaningful name for the Deeplink in the "Deeplink Name" field. This name is exclusive to the Netmera Control Panel and reports. Next, specify the Deeplink URL using a placeholder structure like https://www.netmera.com@{age}, incorporating parameters within braces.

Deeplink Parameters:


There's a distinction between the parameters @{parameter} and {parameter}. The first, @{parameter}, refers to the Profile Attributes you have set before on the Netmera Panel. When the deeplink is created, your @{parameter} will change for each user, according to the Profile Attribute data you have for each user's name, resulting in variations such as https://www.netmera.com/alex or https://www.netmera.com/jimmy.


On the other hand, if your parameter is {parameter}, this parameter will be further defined in "Deeplink Parameters" and later be configured while setting up a new campaign on Netmera Panel. After the parameter is determened while creating the campaign, the parameter context will be sent the same to all your users. Consider the following example:

Let's say {parameter} is {city}:

  • Name: City (only shown on Netmera Panel)

  • Label: City (only shown on Netmera Panel)

When you click "Save Deeplink" the deeplink will be saved on your Netmera Panel.

After you have saved your {parameter} on your Developers > Deeplinks. While creating a New Web Transactional Push on Step 2: What > Push Click Actions > Select Deeplink you will see the box where you may fill in the information for {city} parameter.

In this scenario, all your users will now receive the deeplink as https://www.netmera.com/london

Once all details are entered, save the Deeplink configuration. Confirm the successful creation of the Deeplink, making it ready for utilization within the Netmera Panel. This process enhances your ability to effectively engage with users through the Netmera platform.

Last updated