User & Attributes

Managing User Data

The NetmeraUser class allows you to send structured information about your application's users to Netmera. The ideal time to update user attributes is right after the user logs into your application.

User ID Management

For optimal performance and data integrity:

  • Update user information at login: It’s crucial to update the user information as soon as the user logs in.

  • Unique userId: Ensure that each user has a unique userId. Assigning the same userId to multiple users leads to data inconsistencies and is not recommended.

Updating User Information

After obtaining user information, set or update the user data by using the following example. You can update any attribute independent from the others.

// Set user's properties
let user = NetmeraUser()
user.userId = "johnny.appleseed" = ""
user.msisdn = "00905XXXXXXXXX" = "Johnny"
user.surname = "Appleseed"
user.language = NSLocale.preferredLanguages[0]

var birthComponents = DateComponents()
birthComponents.year = 1774
birthComponents.month = 9 = 26
let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
user.dateOfBirth = birthComponents)

user.gender = NetmeraProfileAttributeGender.male
user.maritalStatus = NetmeraProfileAttributeMaritalStatus.married
user.numberOfChildren = 10 = "United States"
user.state = "MA" = "Leominster"
user.district = "Leominster"
user.occupation = "Farmer"
user.industry = "Agriculture"
user.favouriteTeam = "FAVOURITE_TEAM"
user.externalSegments = ["segment1", "segment2"]

// Send data to Netmera

Removing Attributes

To remove a previously set attribute, assign [NSNull null] to the attribute in the user object.

UserId cannot be removed:

userId cannot be removed, even if set to null.

// This will remove previously set `email` value from Netmera
let user = NetmeraUser() = ""

Creating Custom Profile Attributes

Step 1: Navigate to the Developers section

Custom profile attributes must be created and configured in the Netmera Panel before they can be used in the application.

  • Go to Panel > Developers > Profile Attributes > Create New Attribute.

Step 2: Fill in Attribute Details

Define the following information:

  • Name: The unique identifier for the attribute.

  • Label: A user-friendly name for the attribute.

  • Description: A brief description of the attribute.

  • Data Type: Choose the appropriate data type for the attribute.

  • Is Array: Define whether the attribute can hold multiple values.

Step 3: Save the Attribute

After clicking Save, the custom attribute will be available for assignment to your users.

Step 4: Generated Code for Custom Attributes

Once the attribute is defined in the Netmera Panel, the generated code can be found at the bottom of the Profile Attribute page, under the Generate Code section. This code must be added to your Netmera Panel under Profile Attributes > User Class.

Private Information Considerations

Under the KVKK law, the sharing of private user data is prohibited. To ensure compliance:

  • Private Information Flag: When defining profile attributes or events, the Private Information feature must be selected to ensure that these attributes are not sent to the backend by the Netmera SDK.

  • SDK Enforcement: The SDK checks for the Private Information flag during the Netmera.updateUser(user:) call. If the flag is set, the request will not be sent to the backend.


The fetchCoupon method in Netmera allows you to retrieve and display the coupons earned by users in your iOS application. You can use the NetmeraCouponFilter to define the filtering criteria, such as the page number and the maximum number of coupons to retrieve.

  1. Create a Filter: Use NetmeraCouponFilter to set the page number and the maximum number of coupons to retrieve.

  2. Call the fetchCoupon Method: Pass the filter to the fetchCoupon method to fetch the coupons.

  3. Handle the Result: Inside the closure, check if the coupons are fetched successfully. If so, assign them to the coupons property and reload the table view to display them.

let filter = NetmeraCouponFilter() = Int32(pageSize)
filter.max = Int32(max)

Netmera.fetchCoupon(using: filter) { coupons, error in = coupons ?? []

User Update

The User Update feature calls the update function from the Netmera SDK, passing a user object as a parameter to update the user data. The function uses a closure (callback) to handle the result of the update. Depending on the success or failure of the update, a corresponding block is triggered.

  1. Successful Update: If the update is successful, the success block is triggered, and "success" is printed to the console.

  2. Error in Update: If an error occurs during the update, the error block is triggered, and "error" is printed.

Netmera.update(user) { success, error in
    if success {
    } else {

Last updated

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