Push Inbox Overview
allows you to access and manage previously sent push notifications in an inbox-style interface. You cannot instantiate NetmeraInbox
directly; instead, you must obtain an instance through the SDK and use it to interact with push notifications.
Filtering Notifications
Create an instance to specify which push notifications to fetch. You can filter by:
Status : Read, Unread, or Deleted.
Categories : Filter by specific categories.
Expired Notifications : Include or exclude expired notifications.
Page Size : Number of notifications to fetch per request.
Here is a sample code to determine filtering options:
Copy import { Netmera, NetmeraInboxFilter } from 'react-native-netmera';
const netmeraInboxFilter = new NetmeraInboxFilter();
// Filter to show Read or Unread notifications
netmeraInboxFilter.status = Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_READ_OR_UNREAD;
netmeraInboxFilter.pageSize = 10;
netmeraInboxFilter.categories = ["category_1", "category_2"];
netmeraInboxFilter.includeExpiredObjects = true;
Fetching the First Page
Use fetchInbox
to retrieve notifications that match the filter:
Copy fetchInbox = async() => {
const netmeraInboxFilter = new NetmeraInboxFilter()
netmeraInboxFilter.status = Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_READ_OR_UNREAD
netmeraInboxFilter.pageSize = 10
netmeraInboxFilter.categories = ["category_1", "category_2"]
netmeraInboxFilter.includeExpiredObjects = true
const inbox = await Netmera.fetchInbox(netmeraInboxFilter)
console.log("inbox", inbox)
console.log("error", e)
Fetching Next Pages
Once the first page is retrieved, use fetchNextPage
to get additional pages:
Copy fetchNextPage = async() => {
const inbox = await Netmera.fetchNextPage()
console.log("inbox", inbox)
console.log("error", e)
Updating Push Notification Status
Notifications can have three states:
Use inboxUpdateStatus
to change a notification's status asynchronously:
Copy await Netmera.inboxUpdateStatus(0, 5, Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_DELETED)
After React Native 1.5.0 Update:
With the React Native version 1.5.0 update, the usage of d.ts (declaration) files is no longer necessary in TypeScript projects.
Additionally, to access Inbox statuses, it is now done through the NMInboxStatus
enum instead of the Netmera
For example,
Copy import {NMInboxStatus} from "react-native-netmera";
// becomes
Updating The Status of All Notifications
You can update the status of all pushes inside inbox using updateAll
Copy await Netmera.updateAll(Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_READ)
Copy await Netmera.updateAll(Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_DELETED)
Counting Notifications by Status
Retrieve the count of notifications by status:
Copy //get count of unread push objects
const count = await Netmera.countForStatus(Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_UNREAD)
//get count of read push objects
const count = await Netmera.countForStatus(Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_READ)
After React Native 1.5.0 Update:
With the React Native version 1.5.0 update, NMInboxStatusCountFilter
is now directly imported:
Copy import {NMInboxStatusCountFilter} from "react-native-netmera";
Inbox Examples
Copy constructor() {
this.state = {
inbox: [],
inboxState: Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_ALL,
countForStatus: 0
fetchInbox = async () => {
try {
const netmeraInboxFilter = new NetmeraInboxFilter();
netmeraInboxFilter.status = this.state.inboxState;
netmeraInboxFilter.pageSize = 2;
const inbox = await Netmera.fetchInbox(netmeraInboxFilter);
console.log("inbox", inbox);
this.setState({inbox: inbox});
} catch (e) {
console.log("error", e)
fetchNextPage = async () => {
try {
const inbox = await Netmera.fetchNextPage();
this.setState({inbox: inbox});
console.log("inbox", inbox)
} catch (e) {
console.log("error", e)
updateAll = async () => {
if (!this.state.inbox !== undefined) {
let updateStatus = this.state.inboxState;
if (updateStatus === Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_ALL) {
Alert.alert("Error", "Please select different status than all!!")
console.log("Please select different status than all!!");
try {
Netmera.updateAll(this.state.inboxState).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("error: " + error)
} catch (error) {
console.log("error: " + error)
handlePushObject = async () => {
if (this.state.inbox !== undefined && this.state.inbox.length > 0) {
handleInteractiveAction = async () => {
if (this.state.inbox !== undefined && this.state.inbox.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.inbox.length; i++) {
const element = this.state.inbox[i];
if (element.interactiveActions !== undefined && element.interactiveActions.length > 0) {
const action = JSON.parse(element.interactiveActions)[0]
countForStatus = async () => {
try {
const count = await Netmera.countForStatus(this.state.inboxState);
this.setState({countForStatus: count})
} catch (e) {
inboxUpdateStatus = async () => {
if (this.state.inboxState === Netmera.PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS_ALL) {
Alert.alert("Error", "Please select different status than all!!")
console.log("Please select different status than all!!");
if (this.state.inbox === undefined || this.state.inbox < 2) {
Alert.alert("Error", "Push objects count is less then 2!")
console.log("Push objects count is less then 2!");
Netmera.inboxUpdateStatus(0, 2, this.state.inboxState).then(() => {
console.log("2 push object status was changed successfully.")
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("error: " + error)
updateInboxState = (value) => {
this.setState({inboxState: value})
inboxCountForStatus = async () => {
try {
const filter = new NMInboxStatusCountFilter();
filter.nmInboxStatus = this.state.inboxState;
filter.includeExpired = true;
const nmInboxStatusCount = await Netmera.getInboxCountForStatus(filter);
let countStatusText =
"READ: " + nmInboxStatusCount[NMInboxStatus.STATUS_READ] + ", " +
"UNREAD: " + nmInboxStatusCount[NMInboxStatus.STATUS_UNREAD]
this.setState({countForStatus: countStatusText})
console.log("nmInboxStatusCount: ", countStatusText);
} catch (e) {
console.log("error", e)