Custom Web View Presentation

Step 1: Implement a Receiver Class

Create a class that extends NetmeraWebContentBroadcastReceiver and override its onShow() and onClose() methods. These methods will handle the actions triggered when web content is shown or closed.

public class SampleWebContentBroadcastReceiver extends NetmeraWebContentBroadcastReceiver {

    public void onShow(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
        // Trigger your web view flow here

    public void onClose(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
        // Handle web view closure here

Step 2: Add Receiver Class to AndroidManifest.xml

In the AndroidManifest.xml file, register the receiver class and specify the actions com.netmera.web.content.SHOW and com.netmera.web.content.CLOSE

            <action android:name="com.netmera.web.content.SHOW" />
            <action android:name="com.netmera.web.content.CLOSE" />

Step 3: Let Netmera Handle the Received Web Content

Use Netmera.handleWebContent() to display the content in your custom WebView:

// Pass your WebView as a parameter. The content will be shown in it.

If you want to listen for URL loading actions inside the WebView, use NetmeraWebViewCallback

Netmera.handleWebContent(webView, new NetmeraWebViewCallback() {
    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
        // Implement your logic here
        // Return true if you handle the URL yourself, otherwise return false
        return false;

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