Please find the Onboarding Checklist for iOS and Android below. Follow the titles in the checklist to ensure you have completed each essential step in your onboarding process with Netmera.
Step 1: Select a Platform
Navigate to Developers > Netmera Onboarding.
Select Android and click Start to proceed.
Step 2: Create a Firebase Configuration
Netmera uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for delivering push notifications.
Generate a new Private Key (JSON file) for your project.
Upload the JSON file you downloaded from Firebase Cloud Messaging to the Project > app-level rootdirectory.
Choose one of the four options: Node.js, Java, Python, and Go. The choice of option does not require any action. Simply click the 'Generate New Private Key' button to download the file. No further selections are needed.
Upload this file in Netmera Panel > Developers > Netmera Onboarding > Android > Step 2: Create A Firebase Configuration > FCM Service Account Key.
Step 3: Select a Target SDK
Select the SDK for your application development framework as Native Android.
Step 4: Integrate Netmera SDK
Important Notes on SDK API Key:
Do not use the API key from a testpanel in production.
Each panel has a unique API key, and using the wrong one can result in data misdirection or errors.
To obtain your SDK API Key:
Go to the Netmera Panel.
Navigate to Developer > API > SDK API Key.
Copy your SDK API Key from this section.
Standard Gradle
If your project is using Standard Gradle:
Add the following snippets to integrate the Netmera SDK into your project.
In this step, only copy the url specified below and add it to maven.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {url ''} // only include for HMS copy the url and add it to maven
dependencies {
classpath '{your_project_android_tools_version}'
classpath '{your_google_services_version}'
classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:{your_agcp_version}' // only include for HMS
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {url ''} // only include for HMS copy the url and add it to maven
maven { url "" }
You should add Netmera dependency to your dependencies section in your: build.gradle(:app)
Check Changelog to find the SDK versions listed as '4.x.x' below.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.netmera:nmcore:4.x.x'
implementation 'com.netmera:nmfcm:4.x.x'
implementation 'com.netmera:nmhms:4.x.x'
// If you only need to support Google services, use the following versions:
// implementation 'com.netmera:nmcore:4.x.x'
// implementation 'com.netmera:nmfcm:4.x.x'
// For applications that only want to support Huawei devices, use these dependencies:
// implementation 'com.netmera:nmcore:4.x.x'
// implementation 'com.netmera:nmhms:4.x.x'
// Must be added at the bottom of the app's build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' // only include for HMS
If you want to integrate Huawei Mobile Services (HMS), add the following configuration to your build.gradle file before plugins. Following part is only for Huawei integration.
// This part is only for Huawei integration
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
dependencies {
plugins {
This file is usually located within the gradle folder in the root directory of your project.
Review how the relevant plugin is defined.
plugins {
id("com.huawei.agconnect") // only include for HMS
dependencies {
implementation(libs.netmera.hms) // only include for HMS
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
maven {
url = uri("") // only include for HMS
In this step, only copy the url "" and add it to maven.
Check Changelog to find the SDK versions listed as '4.x.x' below.
netmeraCore = "4.x.x"
netmeraFcm = "4.x.x"
netmeraHms = "4.x.x"
googleServices = "your_google_services_version"
netmera-core = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmcore", version.ref = "netmeraCore" }
netmera-fcm = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmfcm", version.ref = "netmeraFcm" }
netmera-hms = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmhms", version.ref = "netmeraHms" } // only include for HMS
google-services = { id = "", version.ref = "googleServices" }
If you want to integrate Huawei Mobile Services (HMS), add the following configuration to your build.gradle file before plugins. Following part is only for Huawei integration.
// This part is only for Huawei integration
buildscript {
val agpVersion = "YOUR_PROJECT_AGP_VERSION" //
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath "com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:your_agcp_version"
plugins {
This file is usually located within the gradle folder in the root directory of your project.
Review how the relevant plugin is defined.
plugins {
id("com.huawei.agconnect") // only include for HMS
dependencies {
Implementation libs.netmera.core
Implementation libs.netmera.fcm
Implementation libs.netmera.hms // only include for HMS
In this step, only copy the url "" and add it to maven.
Check Changelog to find the SDK versions listed as '4.x.x' below.
netmeraCore = "4.x.x"
netmeraFcm = "4.x.x"
netmeraHms = "4.x.x" // only include for HMS
googleServices = “your_google_services_version”
netmera-core = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmcore", version.ref = "netmeraCore" }
netmera-fcm = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmfcm", version.ref = "netmeraFcm" }
netmera-hms = { group = "com.netmera", name = "nmhms", version.ref = "netmeraHms" } // only include for HMS
google-services = { id = "", version.ref = "googleServices" }
Step 5: Initialize Netmera SDK
Initializing Netmera SDK Android v4.0.0+
Add the following initializationcode inside the onCreate() method of your Application class.
If Application Class is Not Already Present:
Create an Application Class
If your project doesn't yet have an Application class, create one and include the initialization code as shown below.
Update AndroidManifest.xml
In the AndroidManifest.xml, add your Application class by specifying android:name in the <application> tag.
registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks method must be called in the Main Threat.
override fun onCreate() {
// Must be called on the Main Thread
val configBuilder = NetmeraConfiguration.Builder()
.huaweiSenderId(PropertiesUtil.hmsSenderId) // only include for HMS
.logging(true) // enables logging in logcat
.addProvider(NMHMSProvider()) // only include for HMS
registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks method must be called in the Main Threat.
public void onCreate() {
// Must be called on the Main Thread
registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new NMActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this));
NetmeraConfiguration.Builder configBuilder = new NetmeraConfiguration.Builder();
.huaweiSenderId(PropertiesUtil.hmsSenderId) // only include for HMS
.logging(true); // enable logging in logcat
.addProvider(new NMFCMProvider())
.addProvider(new NMHMSProvider()); // only include for HMS
Removed Components in Android SDK v4.0.0+
If you are using Netmera Android SDK version 4.0.0 or later, or performing an SDK update,
Do not include the following lines of code from previous SDK versions when initializing Netmera SDK.
If these lines are already present in your code, please remove them:
// Removed components in SDK 4.0.0
Initializing Netmera SDK Before Android SDK Version 4.0.0
Add initialization code in onCreate() method:
Add the code below within the onCreate() method of your class that extends
If your project does not currently have a class that extends Application, create one.
Add the newly created or existing Application class to your AndroidManifest.xml file using the android:name attribute within the <application> tag.
Add initialization code below.
override fun onCreate() {
val configBuilder = NetmeraConfiguration.Builder()
.huaweiSenderId(PropertiesUtil.hmsSenderId) // only include for HMS
.logging(true) // Allows Netmera logs to appear in logcat
public void onCreate() {
NetmeraConfiguration.Builder configBuilder = new NetmeraConfiguration.Builder();
.huaweiSenderId(PropertiesUtil.hmsSenderId) // only include for HMS
.logging(true); // Allows Netmera logs to appear in logcat
Warning: Init Method Must Be Added in the Main Thread
Ensure that init methods are added in the main thread. Adding them in the background may lead to unexpected behavior and potential issues.
Autostart Troubleshooting:
After implementing the necessary enhancements above:
Call the Initialization Method
Use the provided initialization method to set up Netmera in your application.
Create NetmeraConfiguration
Configure the SDK by creating and passing the required NetmeraConfiguration object.
Once these steps are completed, the Netmera SDK will automatically handle the rest. This automation is possible because Netmera leverages Android's AutoStartup framework. This framework ensures that certain processes are executed before the initialization method is invoked, streamlining the SDK's setup and operation.
If the AutoStartup Feature is Disabled in Your Application:
You can continue using the Netmera SDK by calling the following code block above the init method:
fun onCreate() {
AppInitializer.getInstance(this).initializeComponent( // only include for HMS
@Override public void onCreate() {
AppInitializer.getInstance(this).initializeComponent(NMHMSProviderInitializer.class); // only include for HMS
Configuring baseUrl for On-Premise Applications
For On-Premise Applications:
Include the following code to configure the base URL and API key:
For Non-On-Premise Applications:
Only the API key needs to be configured:
Optional: Initialization Callback
To implement the initialization callback:
Add the following code to handle success and failure:
For detailed information, you can visit >Push Callbacks.
object : NMInitSessionListener {
override fun onSuccess() {
Log.i("NetmeraApp", "Session init completed")
override fun onFailure(error: String?) {
"Error occurred when trying to init session with Netmera. Error::$error"
new NMInitSessionListener() {
public void onSuccess() {
Log.i("NetmeraApp", "Session init completed");
public void onFailure(String error) {
"Error occurred when trying to init session with Netmera. Error::" + error
Optional: Enable Logging
To enable logging for debugging, add the following code in the onCreate() method of your Application class:
Enable logging:
Disable logging for production:
When preparing your app for release, set .logging(false)
Set .logging (false) while on prod:
Before releasing your app to the store, make sure that .logging is disabled (set to false) in the production environment.
Step 6: Android 13 Push Notification Permissions
Android 13 introduced significant changes to how push notification permissions are handled.
Increased User Control: Apps targeting API Level 33 and above now have more control over when and how they request push notification permissions. This allows for a more user-friendly and context-aware permission request experience.
Automatic Permission Requests for Older Apps: For apps targeting API Level 32 and below running on Android 13, the system automatically prompts the user for push notification permission when the app creates its first notification channel.
Impact on Netmera SDK Users:
The Netmera SDK initializes and creates notification channels during the app's startup. Consequently:
On Android 13: For apps targeting API Level 32 and below, this initialization process will trigger the automatic system prompt for push notification permission.
On Android 12 and below: The system generally assumes push notification permission has already been granted.
If you initialize the Netmera SDK at app startup (which is recommended), the system will automatically request push notification permissions on Android 13 devices for apps targeting API Level 32 and below. For devices running Android 12 or earlier, the system assumes permission is already granted.
Push Permission Methods in Netmera SDK
For applications targeting API 33, Netmera SDK offers two key methods for requesting push permission:
Requesting Push Permission (API Level 33 and Above):
Add this method in the onCreate() method of your MainActivity, below super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) to request push notification permissions from the user.
Checking Notification Status:
Method:fun areNotificationsEnabled(): Boolean
This method allows checking whether the necessary permissions for the application have been obtained. It returns true if notifications are enabled, otherwise false.
fun areNotificationsEnabled(): Boolean
public static boolean areNotificationsEnabled()
Push Enable/Disable User Flow:
Granting Permission:
The user triggers requestNotificationPermissions(), and if they grant permission, a push enable request is sent.
Handling Denial:
If the user denies permission, avoid resending the request immediately (as recommended by Google). Instead, the SDK opens the app's notification settings. The user can grant permission from the settings and return to the app, where a push enable request is sent.
Denying Permission:
If the user triggers requestNotificationPermissions() and denies permission, a push disable request is sent.
Reattempt After Denial:
If denied, avoid immediate re-request. The SDK will open the app's notification settings. If the user cancels (presses the back button), a push disable request is sent.
Optional: Email Permission Preferences
In version 3.9.18, the Email Preferences feature allows you to request email permission from users. Use the following method to manage email permission:
fun setEmailPermission(isAllowed: Boolean)
public static void setEmailPermission(boolean isAllowed);
Revoking Email Permission:
To revoke email permission, execute the following code:
Granting Email Permission:
To grant email permission, execute:
Optional: Firebase Messaging Service Class
To integrate Netmera’s push notifications alongside Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), follow these steps:
Override onMessageReceived
In your Firebase Messaging Service class, call Netmera's onNetmeraPushMessageReceived method inside your own onMessageReceived method.
Handle FCM Token Renewal
When the FCM token is renewed, call the Netmera.onNetmeraNewToken(token) method below to forward the new token to Netmera. Use the following code to do so:
class PushMessaging : FirebaseMessagingService() {
override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {
if (Netmera.isNetmeraRemoteMessage(remoteMessage)) {
} else {
// Other operations
override fun onNewToken(token: String) {
public class PushMessaging extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
if (Netmera.isNetmeraRemoteMessage(remoteMessage)) {
} else {
// Other operations
public void onNewToken(String token) {
Important Note for Obfuscation:
No special obfuscation rules are needed for Netmera. Its functionality remains unaffected, even with code obfuscation enabled.
Push Callbacks
Netmera provides the following push callbacks for better push notification management:
For detailed implementation, please refer to the full documentation > Push Callbacks
Android SDK Integration Complete
The Android SDK integration has been successfully completed, and your devices are now set to receive the following types of push notifications via the Netmera Dashboard:
Standard Push Notifications
Interactive Push Notifications
Push Notifications with Deeplinks
Warning During App Store Submission:
When submitting your application to the App Store, you might encounter the alert. Here’s how to handle it:
Choose 'Yes' when prompted.
On the subsequent page, make sure the 'analytics' option is selected.
After this, no further additions to the manifest are required; simply merging the manifest will suffice.