Unity SDK Integration

Step 1. Importing Unity Jar Resolver

Download external-dependency-manager-1.2.164.unitypackage from NetmeraPackages folder and import it into your project.

Step 2. Importing Firebase Messaging

Download FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage from NetmeraPackages folder and import it into your project (Please do not uncheck any file while importing).

Step 3. Importing Netmera

Download netmera-unity-1.1.4.noads.unitypackage from NetmeraPackages folder and import it into your project.

Step 3.1 Adding Netmera-Info.plist file

Add Netmera-Info.plist file into your Unity application's Assets folder. (Note: Path is important. Do not move it anywhere.) You can find example Netmera-Info.plist.example file here. (Don't forget to remove .example extension at the end of the file name.)

Your Netmera-Info.plist file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

	<!-- OPTIONALS-->

The following steps are separated into two as iOS and Android,

Step 3.2 Adding a google-services.json file

Download google-services.json file from Firebase console panel( More info at: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/android/client#add_a_firebase_configuration_file ) Put this file into your Unity application's Assets folder. (Note: Path is important. Do not move it anywhere.)

Step 3.3. Usage of a custom mainTemplate.gradle file.

Unity Jar Resolver will be used for integration. You already included it by importing FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage.

Click Project Settings -> Publishing Settings -> Enable Custom Main Gradle Template, Custom Main Manifest and Custom Gradle Properties Template.

There should be two gradle related files gradleTemplate.properties and mainTemplate.gradle inside the folder Assets->Plugins->Android.

Open gradleTemplate.properties file, and append this line android.useAndroidX=true

Step 3.4. Jar Resolver Settings

Inside Unity Editor's top navigation panel, click Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Settings.

The below settings are recommended but not a must. The remaining settings are up to you.

Uncheck 'Enable Auto Resolution' Uncheck 'Enable Resolution on Build' Check 'Install Android Packages' Check 'Explode AARs' Check 'Patch AndroidManifest.xml' Check 'Patch mainTemplate.gradle' Check 'Patch gradleTemplate.properties' Check 'Use Jetifier'

Step 3.5. Jar Resolver Resolve Process

Inside Unity Editor's top navigation panel, click Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Resolve.

Open mainTemplate.gradle file and check that whether libraries are imported correctly.

Inside dependencies{} section of this file, you should at least see the following libraries (version numbers would change).

If they are not included, you can try with 'Force Resolve' rather than 'Resolve'.

Note: While building your app, If you get duplicate class error, please check the dependencies and remove the duplicate one.

implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:17.6.0' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/AppDependencies.xml:17     implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:18.0.0' // Assets/Netmera/Editor/NetmeraDependencies.xml:6
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics:18.0.2' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/MessagingDependencies.xml:15
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-app-unity:7.1.0' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/AppDependencies.xml:22
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-common:19.5.0' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/AppDependencies.xml:13
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:21.0.1' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/MessagingDependencies.xml:13
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging-unity:7.1.0' // Assets/Firebase/Editor/MessagingDependencies.xml:20

Step 3.6. Enable Multidex

Open mainTemplate.gradle file, then go to Android -> defaultConfig section.

Add a new item as multiDexEnabled true .

If your minSDK version is below 21, you may need additional steps to perform -> https://appmediation.com/unity-enable-multidex/ .

Step 3.7. Editing your AndroidManifest.xml file

Open your Unity project's MAIN AndroidManifest.xml file (located at Assets>Plugins>Android>AndroidManifest.xml) and add the following ones inside application tag. Note: It is important to edit your Main AndroidManifest.xml file since there may be multiple AndroidManifest files. Please edit this file: Assets>Plugins>Android>AndroidManifest.xml

Use Netmera SDK's application class and add required meta-data tags:

<application android:name="com.netmera.unity.sdk.core.NetmeraCustomApp">
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_mobile_sdkkey" android:value="Netmera Modile SDK key string value. Copy It From Netmera Dashboard."/>
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_firebase_senderid" android:value="Firebase Sender ID as number. Copy it from Netmera Dashboard."/>
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_huawei_senderid" android:value="Huawei Sender ID as number. Copy it from Netmera Dashboard."/>
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_optional_baseurl" android:value=""/>
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_logging_disabled" android:value="false"/>
   <meta-data android:name="netmera_popup_presentation_disabled" android:value="false"/>

Note: If using Netmera's Application class is not possible for you, you need to add this line to your own Application class' onCreate method rather than referencing to NetmeraCustomApp.

NetmeraCustomApp.initNetmera(this); // this should be an instance of Application class

Step 4. Demo Scene

We prepared a sample Unity Scene to show the capabilities. Open


You can include this scene to your app in order to test your integration.

Step 5. Adding Prefab to your first Unity Scene

In your first Unity Scene, import the prefab at:

Assets->Netmera->Demo->Prefabs-> NetmeraManager.

This prefab contains the NetmeraGameObject script which shows the usage of all methods of the SDK. Please do not destroy this object while swapping your Unity Scenes. It should not be destroyed.

You can create a similar implementation or use Netmera SDK by editing this file based on your use-cases. Please call NetmeraCore.Instance.Init(this); method before calling any other methods. Ideal place is Awake() method.

NetmeraGameObject content:

using System;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using Netmera;  
using UnityEngine;  
public class NetmeraGameObject : MonoBehaviour, Netmera.Callback  
  [SerializeField] private bool loggingEnabled = true;  
    private void Awake()  
          Application.SetStackTraceLogType(LogType.Log, StackTraceLogType.None);  
    public void Test_Init()  
        if (NetmeraCore.Instance == null)  
        NetmeraCore.Instance.LoggingEnabled = loggingEnabled;  
    /* Sample method calls */  
    public void Test_SendEvent()  
          JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();  
	      obj["ea"] = "valuesample";  
	      obj["ec"] = 10;  
	      NetmeraCore.Instance.SendEvent("zzl", obj);  
    public void Test_UpdateUser()  
          NetmeraUser user = new NetmeraUser();  
	      user.SetBirthday("1980", "06", "26");  
    public void Test_FetchInbox()  
        List<string> categories = new List<string>() {};  
        NetmeraCore.Instance.FetchInbox(20, NetmeraEnum.PushStatus.ReadOrUnread, categories, true);  
    public void Test_FetchNextPage()  
    public void Test_Destroy()  
    public void Test_EnablePopupPresentation(bool isEnabled)  
    public void Test_GetStatusCount()  
    public void Test_ChangeInboxItemStatuses()  
        NetmeraCore.Instance.ChangeInboxItemStatuses(1, 2, NetmeraEnum.PushStatus.Deleted);  
    public void Test_RequestPermissionsForLocation()  
    public void Test_ChangeAllInboxItemStatuses()  
    // Callbacks  
    public void OnPushRegister(string gcmSenderId, string pushToken)  
    public void OnPushReceive(JSONNode rawJson, NetmeraPushObject pushObject)  
    public void OnPushOpen(JSONNode rawJson, NetmeraPushObject pushObject)  
    public void OnPushDismiss(JSONNode rawJson, NetmeraPushObject pushObject)  
    public void OnPushButtonClicked(JSONNode rawJson, NetmeraPushObject pushObject)  
    public void OnInboxFetchSuccess(JSONNode netmeraPushInboxJSON)  
    public void OnInboxFetchFail(int errorCode, string errorMessage)  
    public void OnInboxNextPageFetchSuccess(JSONNode netmeraPushInboxJSON)  
    public void OnInboxNextPageFetchFail(int errorCode, string errorMessage)  
    public void OnInboxStatusChangeSuccess()  
    public void OnInboxStatusChangeFail(int errorCode, string errorMessage)  
    public void OnInboxStatusCount(int countWithThatStatus)  

Last updated