Swift SDK Integration

This SDK is developed using the Swift programming language. We provide integration support with Swift Package Manager (SPM). You can take advantage of Swift's expressive and intuitive nature, enabling you to create sophisticated applications with ease. 🎉 We strongly recommend incorporating Swift SDK integration for incorporating Netmera into your new projects.

Quick Steps Guidelines

Step 1: Integrate SDK into Your Project

Add Netmera to your Podfile and run pod install command in your terminal.

Step 2: Setup Netmera

Import the Netmera framework in your AppDelegate.swift file and initialize Netmera in your app.

Step 3: Request Push Notification Authorization

In your pod file, add NetmeraNotification and request push notification authorization from user.

Step 4: Enable Push Notifications

Enable push notifications for your app by navigating to Signing & Capabilities > Capability > Push Notifications on Xcode.

Swift SDK integration completed 👏

Step 1: Integrate SDK into Your Project


  • Xcode 13 or later

  • iOS 11.0 or later

When integrating the SDK into your project, you have two primary options: using Cocoapods or Swift Package Manager (SPM). Below are the steps for each method:

Integrating by using Cocoapods - Option 1

To integrate Netmera SDK into your project using Cocoapods, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project's Podfile and add the following lines to integrate Netmera features you need:

pod "NetmeraAnalytic" // to use Netmera analytic features
pod "NetmeraAnalyticAutotracking" // to use auto tracking features
pod "NetmeraNotification" // to use Netmera push notification features
pod "NetmeraAdvertisingId" // to use Netmera advertising identifier features
pod "NetmeraLocation" // to use Netmera location features
pod "NetmeraGeofence" // to use Netmera geofence features
pod "NetmeraNotificationInbox" // to use Netmera push inbox features
  1. Run pod install command in your terminal.

Integrating by using SPM - Option 2

To integrate Netmera SDK into your project using SPM, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Package Dependencies and click the "+" button.

  1. On the top right-hand side, enter the following link in the search bar: https://github.com/Netmera/swift-sdk and the package details will be automatically retrieved.

  2. Lastly, click on "Add Package".

Step 2: Setup Netmera

  1. Import the Netmera framework in your AppDelegate.swift file.

import NetmeraAnalytic
import NetmeraNotification
import NetmeraLocation
import NetmeraNotificationInbox
import NetmeraAdvertisingId
  1. Initialize Netmera in your App. There are two ways to initialize Netmera.

  1. Add Netmera-Config.plist file to your project. Copy the following code into the Plist file and replacing the API_KEY placeholders with your actual API Key value.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
		<string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
		<string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
		<string>{hexcolor. For ex-&gt; 16777215}</string>
		<string>{font family name. ex -&gt; ariel}</string>
		<string>{font family name. ex -&gt; ariel}</string>
		<string>{10 sd px}</string>
		<string>{between 0.01 - 1}</string>
  1. Call Netmera initialize method in your application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method.


Configuring in App Delegate - Option 2

Add the following code to your application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method, replacing the API_KEY placeholders with your actual API Key values,

let netmeraParams = NetmeraParams(
  apiKey: "SDK_API_KEY",
  baseUrl: "", // Optional; For On-premise setup
  appGroupName: "", // Optional; to use carousel&slider push
  customEvents: [CustomLoginEvent.self] // Optional; give list of all custom event class type
Netmera.initialize(params: netmeraParams)
Netmera.setLogLevel(.debug) // Options can be .debug, .info, .error, .fault

Please make sure you get the API key value from the relevant panel:

YOUR_SDK_API_KEY: You can get that api key from Developers -> API -> SDK API Key from your web panel.

Step 3: Request Push Notification Authorization

In your pod file, you should add NetmeraNotification and install to your app target like the following.

pod "NetmeraNotification"

Request push notification authorization from user by calling the following method in an appropriate place.

Netmera.requestPushNotificationAuthorization(for: [.alert, .badge, .sound])

Essential to Inform the User:

When calling this method, it will promptly trigger the push notification permission dialog for the user. Therefore, it's essential to invoke this method after informing the user about how your application will utilize push notifications.

Important Note:

If you receive a push permission request from a push provider like Apple, it's crucial to call the appropriate method. This ensures that the Netmera SDK can correctly handle interactive push notification buttons. Failing to do so may result in these buttons not being properly managed by the SDK.

Step 4: Enable Push Notifications

Enable push notifications for your app by navigating to,

Signing & Capabilities > Capability > Push Notifications in Xcode.

//in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// ‼️ Implement UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods in AppDelegate
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {

Swift SDK integration completed 👍

Swift SDK integration has been successfully completed, and your devices are now ready to receive the following types of push notifications sent via the Netmera Dashboard:

  1. Standard Push Notifications

  2. Interactive Push Notifications (If you've configured and published them using the Dashboard)

  3. Push Notifications with Web View Content

  4. Push Notifications with Deeplinks

Last updated