Custom Deeplinks

Custom deeplinks play a pivotal role in enhancing user engagement by directing users to precise content or actions within an application. This process makes every interaction more relevant and personalized. Specifically, in transactional messaging scenarios, custom deeplinks dynamically generate links based on user-specific data. By appending custom parameters, each user receives a unique link that corresponds to their individual profile or actions. Consequently, this process elevates the personalization of the transactional message experience.

The integration of custom parameters into deeplinks for transactional sends targeting profile attributes or external IDs can be achieved through the following steps. This method allows the creation of user-specific deeplinks, thus enhancing personalized engagement in omnichannel customer engagement strategies.

Step 1: Navigating to the Transactional Page

Begin by navigating to the 'Messages' option on the left-hand menu. Proceed to the 'Transactional' page to initiate the process of sending a message.

Step 2: Creating a Transactional Message on the Netmera Panel

Follow the necessary steps to create a transactional push notification. For a detailed breakdown of this process, please refer to the relevant section titled 'Creating Transactional Messages' in our documentation.

Step 3: Obtaining a Sample Request for API & Configuration

In the 'API & Config' stage, acquire a sample request for sending via the REST API. This sample will guide you through the process of incorporating custom parameters into your deeplinks for a more tailored messaging experience.

Step 4: Adding the deeplinkCustomMapParams Class

Adding the deeplinkCustomMapParams under the existing Deeplink class allows for the mapping of parameters within the deeplink URL. This provides a more dynamic and personalized user experience. Below is an example of how this works and how you can implement it in your projects.

A customizable deeplink in Netmera might look like the following:

"deeplink": "{end_point_url}?id={dynamicId}&contactId={contactID}&surname={surname}&name=@{name}"
  1. Parameters Without '@' - Static Values: Parameters without the '@' symbol, such as {dynamicId} and {contactID}, are provided as static values. These parameters can be set as fixed values or can vary for each user. If a parameter has a static value, it will remain consistent across all uses of the deeplink.

  2. Parameters With '@' - Profile Attributes: Parameters that include the '@' symbol, such as @{name}, signify values that will be pulled from profile attributes defined within the Netmera system. When utilizing these parameters, it's crucial to ensure that the corresponding profile attribute codes are correctly defined and exist within the Netmera system.

Sample Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "notificationKey": "your_notification_key",
    "message": {
        "click": {
            "deeplink": "{end_point_url}?id=@{name}&surname=@{surname}&car=@{car}&gender=@{gender}",
                        "deeplinkCustomMapParams": {
                "car": {
                    "queryKey": "exid",
                    "queryMaps": {
                        "user1": "car1",
                        "user2": "car2",
                        "user3": "car3"
                "surname": {
                    "queryKey": "msisdn",
                    "queryMaps": {
                        "userPhoneNumber1": "Surname1",
                        "userPhoneNumber2": "Surname2",
                        "userPhoneNumber3": "Surname3"
                "gender": {
                    "queryKey": "email",
                    "queryMaps": {
                        "": "Male",
                        "": "Female",
                        "": "Other",
                        "" : "Prefer not to say"

    "target": {
        "extId": "targetUserExternalId"

In conclusion, the implementation of custom deeplinks is essential for enhancing user engagement in transactional messaging scenarios. By integrating custom parameters into deeplinks, you can create unique, personalized experiences for each user, resulting in more relevant and engaging interactions.

Last updated