Widget and In App Messages
This SDK is developed using the Swift programming language. Unlike our existing iOS SDK, we provide integration support with Swift Package Manager (SPM). You can take advantage of Swift's expressive and intuitive nature, enabling you to create sophisticated applications with ease.
When a popup notification or an in app message is received by the SDK, it immediately presents the corresponding web view content if the application is in foreground state. If application is in background state when popup is received, SDK presents the web view content whenever application comes to foreground state.
You may want to disable this immediate presentation behavior for cases like when your users watch a video, when they are in the middle of their favorite game level, or when they are about to finish purchasing their order. You use the following two methods to manage this process:
To recieve popups or in app messages while application is in background:
If you want to recieve popups or in app messages while application is in background, you should enable Remote Notifications at Background Modes from Capabilities.
Devices cannot receive popups:
Devices cannot receive popups or in app messages while application is closed and killed while low battery mode is on. Because that mode disable background application refresh mode.
Last updated