Widget and In App Messages
Disable/Enable Popups and In App Messages
When a popup notification or an in app message is received by the SDK, it immediately presents the corresponding web view content if the application is in foreground state. If application is in background state when popup is received, SDK presents the web view content whenever application comes to foreground state.
You may want to disable this immediate presentation behavior for cases like when your users watch a video, when they are in the middle of their favorite game level, or when they are about to finish purchasing their order. You can use the following two methods to manage this process:
Widget Callbacks
Integration of Widget URL Callbacks in React Native for iOS
In React Native, this only needs to be done for iOS. To handle widget URL callbacks in React Native for iOS, the following code must be added to your AppDelegate.m
file between @implementation AppDelegate and @end.
onWidgetUrlTriggered for React Native
Also, utilize the onWidgetUrlTriggered
method in your React Native code to handle the widget URL callback. Here's how:
By doing this, you'll be able to incorporate widget URL callback functionality into your iOS React Native app. It's important to note that this information is iOS-specific and pertains to React Native implementation.
Last updated